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Get Business Fit with Empire Accountants

Posted 18 Jun '15

Guess what… It is nearly June 30. Say whaaaaaaaaaaat? Yep. This year is disappearing in the blink of an eye meaning the new financial year is just around the corner.

At Empire Accountants we are big believers in ongoing improvement and development in our business and in ourselves. We think the end of financial year is the perfect time to reflect, review and essentially get BizFit for the new financial year!

4 key components come to mind when planning out what you wish to achieve in the New year:-


To look back on the year that has been in your business and really understand what you did well, what you wish to improve on and where your business currently stands. Knowing this not only allows you to see how far you’ve come but what you can achieve next.


From reviewing what you have achieved and the areas of business that may need improvement, you can then define your new business goals and what you want to focus on. You cannot reach a goal that hasn’t been set, so defining them is a key component to improving your business performance.


By ‘learn’ we mean, your business knowledge, your industry knowledge, learning of your key strengths and what you can personally improve. The best way to excel in business is to continuously learn. The more you learn the more you know, which means you can use these new strengths in your business that will help you better serve your clients.


As accountants, managing your finances and the key drivers in your business are SO important to us. This new financial year is a perfect time to get your business budget sorted, begin a cashflow projection (if you missed our blog on why these are a winner go here), get on Xero to streamline your bookkeeping and review or CREATE a marketing plan.

These 4 steps of working through where you currently are, where you want to go and what you need to do to get there can drastically improve your business and help you create your Empire.

If you know you are ready and want to take the next step – talk to us! 07 3124 0244 admin@empireaccountants.com.au

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