Marketing Your Small Business over Christmas
Posted 25 Oct '18
Posted 25 Oct '18
There are only a couple of weeks left until the Christmas Holidays arrive. The Holiday season brings with it the busiest time of the year. For the small business owner, this means increased professional demand, less time with the family and more time at the office. As small business owners have limited time but certainly do not want work to slow down when returning to work in January; pre-planning marketing tasks before and over the Christmas holidays are a must! This ensures you are still top of mind for your customers come the new year.
The following tips can help your brand stay ahead of the curve and continue to appeal to its customers during and after the Holidays.
1. Create a Marketing Calendar
Plan your marketing calendar well in advance of the peak Christmas season. For a lot of our clients, the end of the year is a busy time. No matter what industry it is, the Christmas period is one in which sales increase and production goes into overdrive. Marketing tasks often fall by the wayside but it’s important to plan and stick to your marketing calendar to not only increase sales before the end of the year, but set your business up for work to come back to in the new year.
1.1 Marketing Tips Over the Christmas Break
2. Keep Customers and Suppliers Informed
Notify your customers and suppliers of your closing time over the break to ensure delivery times of work are clear and understood by all. This can prevent costly delays and helps your customer plan their delivery. Your clients value professional effort.
3. Send out thank you’s to clients
Whether small cards or gift hampers – showing appreciation builds lasting relationships with clients. It also increases the opportunity to maintain a loyal customer base.
4. Schedule online content for the Christmas break
Just because you’re on holidays doesn’t mean your marketing has to be as well. Most online platforms, whether it be social media or email marketing, let you schedule your posts or promotions in advance, this will mean you’re business is still present while you’re not!
5. Consider your cash flow over the Christmas period
By planning your cashflow you can determine your sales targets before the holidays, and assess how much work needs to be booked in the New Year when you return to work.
Add these few simple tasks to your end of year to do list and leave work knowing that you’ve being proactive in setting your business up to hit the ground running in the new year.
Call on Empire Accountants to assist in creating professional accounting service solutions. We can help you help your business to maintain its success during and after the Holidays.07 3124 0244
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