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Collaboration in Brisbane Business: Leveraging your Alliances Strengths

Posted 8 Nov '17

Empire Accountants are an advocate for having alliances in business.

Having alliances is a great way to reach new markets, drum up new business, add value to your services and assist other small businesses in Brisbane in growing their clientbase.

While you may know having alliances is a must when you start a business, you might not fully understand how to leverage your alliances strengths to ensure you have a worthwhile partnership.

To give the most to your alliances and get the most in return, you first have to ensure that you are choosing the right alliances to fit with your business. You can do this by identifying that:

  • You have a similar target market
  • Your businesses are non-competitive
  • You are both at a similar lifecycle of business (so that you have similar goals and objectives)
  • You share the same company values

Once you find an alliance that is a great fit for your business, you can establish a clear relationship that is beneficial for both parties. Meaning that you are actively assisting each other in:

  • Keeping the business top of mind for referrals
  • Sharing promotions / new products or services
  • Meeting fortnightly / monthly (or whatever fits your businesses) to keep up to date with new business information and opportunities
  • Establishing and implementing collaborative marketing initiatives

Collaborating on new marketing initiatives can include:

  • Joining in on communications activities (eg, features in mail outs)
  • Referral programs
  • Joint promotions
  • Reciprocal website linking, to assist with SEO (your google rank)
  • Shared seminars or workshops

Most importantly, having a clear and open line of communication with your business alliances will be the key to ensuring you are leveraging each other’s strengths and achieving your business goals.

If you need help growing your Empire, simply phone our Brisbane office today 07 3124 0244

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