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Start-Up Business Marketing Checklist

Posted 12 Nov '15

Before launching a campaign, creating content or building the perfect website it is so important to understand the basic marketing fundamentals of your small business. What is the point in having a beautiful website if you don’t have consistent branding and a well-defined target market? Or doing a mail out campaign if you aren’t tracking where your leads are coming from?

It is easy to get caught up in the hype of everything you should be doing to market your small business; like blogging daily, utilising all social media platforms, creating podcasts or vlogs and optimising your website. Marketing platforms are always evolving so there will forever be an influx of new marketing methods and channels. However, we shouldn’t weigh ourselves down with the details until we master our marketing foundations.

The biggest thing to realise is that small business marketing is about doing the basics well – and consistently.

Fill in your details below to download our Start-Up Business Marketing Checklist to ensure you have the fundamentals in place in your business.

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