07 3124 0244 07 3124 0244

The Empire Accounting Solution for your business in 2018

Posted 17 Jan '18

It’s time we put it out there. We do actually know that we are generally not on the top 100 list of people you want to get stuck at a party talking too.

That’s right… it’s out there… whilst we think we are pretty dang cool & fun, we know that Accountants are up there on that universal list of people you’d least want to spend time with… No hard feelings.

On the flip side, while you might not find us as fun as some, it might be worth a little bit of awkward chatter to get your business life working a whole lot better!

Q: How you ask??

A: Our Small Business Solutions.

Packages designed for the savvy small business owner, who wants to manage their cash flow effectively throughout the year, ensure they hit all their compliance deadlines with the ATO and get the maximum benefit for their business from their accountant. Meaning the time you spend with us is actually totally worth it (and who knows you may even end up enjoying it!).

Did you say Sign Me Up!?

Here’s all you need to know.

Our Small Business Solutions are designed to suit your business size, needs and goals. Our basic starts with the standard compliance needs (the ones the ATO makes you do) through to our complete solution which will do ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for you.

We include examples of our top 3 solutions below but we can add and remove services so the package is ultimately customised to your business and needs. We then give you a fixed price for the year & break this up into monthly repayments to assist with your small business cash flow management.

The Small Business Solutions Benefits:

  • Giving assurances to what accounting services you will receive for the year at a set cost
  • Cashflow support with monthly repayments instead of billing on a job basis
  • Accountability for the services you receive
  • Structured, planned and proactive accounting ensuring you are always ahead of the game
  • Opportunity to grow your business with more support and advisory
  • No surprises in your accounting bill

Are you ready to get your business life working a little better in 2018? We can help you. 07 3124 0244

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