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The Life cycle of a Business - By Judy Reynolds

Posted 26 Oct '16

The Empire Team would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended our first Empire Event – The Life Cycle of a Business with Judy Reynolds.

Our core focus at Empire Accountants is working alongside our clients to grow their business. We do this by providing the best service that we can in our area of expertise and aligning our clients with other business professionals, that can offer their best expertise on the appropriate areas of a business.

Judy Reynolds has been working with Empire since the beginning and we have learnt a lot of valuable information on the many aspects of growing a business, transitioning stages and where to focus energy in each phase.

The Life Cycle of a Business was a great reminder that working from the inside out when it comes to growing your business is crucial to your success. Starting with the WHY we are doing it, working out WHAT it looks like and eventually HOW we implement action is key.

When we know our WHY with conviction and partner that knowledge with understanding each stage of a business from Toddler to Maturity we can best plan how to overcome and prevent the obstacles we are thrown in the day to day dealings of our business operation.

Judy left us with a lot to think about and implement in our businesses. Here are a few of our favourite learnings:

  • Find your core genius – something you love, are really good at and can monetise
  • There is no such thing as work life balance. You need to give yourself permission to be unbalanced for a period of time to achieve your goals.
  • Determine your life plan before your business plan – What do you want?
  • Understand what people are buying from you, then you can understand the value
  • Collaboration is the new currency

Stay tuned for our next Empire Event where we will bring you the best presenters committed to helping you build your Empire!

If you are already a client, find out more about our quarterly accountability meetings to keep you on track to growing your business here: beth@empireaccountants.com.au

Judy Renolds Opening Gates

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