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Thoughtful Christmas Parties for your Employees that don’t break the bank

Posted 22 Nov '16

Christmas is the time of year where cash flow may be tight for small business, whether you have 3 or 30 staff members and you are trying to show them your appreciation for their work over the year but can’t afford an all-night rager how about considering some options below…

An in office cheese and wine afternoon

Who doesn’t love cheese and wine? Holding the event in office allows the team to bond in a relaxed environment where they can take their mind off work for the afternoon, not to mention it’ll be much cheaper than 9 dollar-a-glass house wines from a crowded bar in the city. Just make sure you organise some ubers and encourage responsible drinking!

A day trip to the Beach

South-east Queensland is the Sunshine state. With days reaching 35 degrees in the past couple of weeks taking the work family down to Gold Coast for the day for a beach swim and a BBQ may be just what the doctor ordered to unwind at the end of the year. With paddle boarding and surfing hire services available the day can involve whatever you choose!

A picnic in a local park

If organising transport to the Coast is unreasonable, how about a picnic in a local park? Somewhere central to where you and your employees live with BBQ’s and facilities. You can also allow your staff to invite their partners or bring their children to encourage a nice family day out. Who needs alcohol when there’s a BBQ and snacks involved!?

Tickets to a Brisbane show

QPAC and the Powerhouse have a heap of great entertainment on at the end of the year. Ballet, Comedy, Theatre there is bound to be something for everyone in Brisbane with tickets ranging from $30 – $100 each it is sure to be a cost effective and entertaining night out! This also gives the possibility for employees to go out afterward with each other and make a night of it for themselves.

End of year festivities don’t have to be expensive to be entertaining and morale building. As long as whatever you choose to do you do it with the intention of wanting to give your employees a good time – they will appreciate it!

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