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Things to do in business before the Christmas Break

Posted 29 Nov '17

The end of the working year is a manic time for any business owner, it can be easy to forget the basic to-do’s on your checklist so here’s a couple of end of year tips for what to get in place before the break and get you on holidays in no time.

1. Inform your Clients/Suppliers of Christmas Trading

If you are closing down for the Christmas break or will have skeleton staff on, now’s the time to ensure your clients are aware. If your clients order products from you, it’s also important to let them know the cut of date to receive goods before the end of the year.

2. Ensure you have sufficient cash flow for the holiday period

If you aren’t in retail the Christmas break can be a testing time for small businesses. It’s important to ensure you won’t be left short and have a struggling start to the New Year. Work out your cash flow over Christmas and get your invoices out and paid beforehand to assist in your cash flow management.

3. Ensure your payroll is processed

Automate your payroll and process pays so you don’t have to interrupt your holidays.

4. Clean up your inbox and tie up any loose ends

You want to go into your holidays stress free and ready for the New Year. Ensuring that you have actioned everything required and cleaned out your inbox means you can head into the holidays satisfied and relaxed.

5. Review Your Goals & Make New Ones

After you’ve celebrated the year that has been with too many glasses of champers at the office Christmas party. The best way to set your intentions for 2018 is by reviewing your goals and making some new ones.

We hope you’ve had a great year in business and enjoy a well-deserved Christmas break!

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